We are pleased to offer more than 80 ceramic pieces from 2 distinguished local collections.

Ron Crosier taught art for 30 years at Lincoln High School, and exhibited his weavings at Contemporary Crafts Gallery and the Henry Gallery in Seattle.

Richard and Kathy Abel built their ceramics collection over the course of a 66 year marriage. Strong supporters of the Contemporary Crafts Gallery and OCAC, their patronage helped encourage many notable Northwest artists, including Tom and Elaine Coleman.

Both collectors have decided to share the art they have lived with and enjoyed for so many years, and feel that  it's time these works find new owners to love and cherish them going forward.

Our exhibition features work by more than 35 ceramic artists, including: Toshiko Takaezu, Robert Sperry, Jay Jensen, Tom and Elaine Coleman, David Leach, Wayne Ng, Roberta Kaserman, Jamie Davis, Judy Teuful, Jim Koudelka, Frank Boyden, Don Reitz, Patti Warashina, Reid Ozaki, Erik Gronberg, Yanagihara Mutsuo, David Shaner, Kurt Weiser, Don Sprague, Pat Horsley, Cynthia Bringle, Delaine Cookson, Michael Casson, Jeff Osterich, Dennis Meiners, Charles Hannegan and others. These pieces are ALL fresh to the market and are priced to sell.

Toshiko Takaezu (1922–2011, HI/NJ)
Thrown & Altered Stoneware Tea Bowl

With Foot Glazed In Brown And Ochre Yellow
Created at Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC in 1964
2 1/8" T x 4 1/16" Diam

Mid-Century Northwest Ceramics



Don Reitz (1929-2014)
Green Asian Influence Salt-Fired

Cylindrical Canister With Inset Lid
11 5/8 T x 7" W x 6 5/8" D

Betty Feves (1918-1985)
Brown Lidded Canister

With Circle Pattern

8 1/4" T x 6 1/2" W

Reception & Gallery Talk:

Saturday, October 20 1:30-3:00pm

Left to Right:  Elaine Coleman, Tom Coleman, Roberta Kaserman, David Leach, Elaine Coleman, Delaine Cookson


Light Green Celedon Vase With Dimentional Slip And Flattened Sides
Incised Illegible Signature On Bottom

9 3/4" T x 5 3/4" W x 4 1/2" D

Jay Jensen (1940-2017)
Bulbous Two-Segmented

Olive Green Vase
11 1/2" T x 7 1/2" W



Wayne Ngan (b. 1937)

British Columbia, Canada

Grey & Brown Hourglass Vessel

10 1/4" T x 6 1/4" W

Tom Coleman
Oregon/ Nevada
Porcelain Wall Charger

With Bubbling Glaze
2 5/8" T x 22 1/8" Diam


Tom Coleman
Oregon/ Nevada
Porcelain Wall Charger With Tan

Glaze And Off-Set Circle Design
1 7/8" T x 18 5/8" Diam

Jim Koudelka
Colbalt Blue Salt-Fired Stoneware Cylinder Jar With

Domed Lid And Applied Decorative Disc-Shapped Handles
Approx 11 1/2" T x 9 1/2" W


Extended Thru 12/29

Kit Hawkins will speak about her mother Kathy's ceramic collection at 2pm

October 3 - December 1


Tom Coleman
Oregon/ Nevada
Large Ovid White Porcelain Floor Vase With Lid
19 1/4" T (With Lid) x 15 1/4" Diam

Otto Heino (1915-2009) &

Vivika Heino (1910-1995)
Light Brown Wall Charger With Abstract

Black Slip Line Design
2 1/4” T x 22 1/8" Diam

Toshiko Takaezu (1922–2011, HI/NJ)

Thrown & Altered Stoneware Tea Bowl With

Off-Set Foot Glazed In Dark Brown
Unsigned, Strong Provenance
Created at Penland School of Crafts, Penland, NC in 1964
2 3/16" T x 3 15/16" Diam

Michael Parsons Fine Art

716 S.W. Madison

Portland, OR 97205

Phone 503-206-8601

Gallery Hours:  Wednesday - Saturday, 12pm-5pm

E-Mail:  michaelparsonsfineart@gmail.com

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/michaelparsonsfineart
Instagram:  @michaelparsons_fineart