Byron Gardner (1930-1992)

Sauvies Island, 1961

oil on canvas

48" x 57"

Michael Parsons Fine Art

716 S.W. Madison

Portland, OR 97205

Phone 503-206-8601

Gallery Hours:  Wednesday - Saturday, 12pm-5pm


W.P. Hayes (1885-1974)

Saw Mill

oil on board

14 1/2" x 18 1/2"

Our annual "Treasures from the Vault" show is always one of our most well received events.   Each year, we go through our inventory and select a group show of paintings by significant Northwest Old Masters, in celebration of the rich history of art making in the Northwest.  For the most part, this is art the gallery owns but has never exhibited before, and is definitely a chance for you to see some fresh to the market treasures. Beginning at the turn of the century and spanning nearly 100 years of fine art made in Oregon and Washington, this show features work by Charles Heaney, Amanda Snyder, Leonard Davis, Dorothy Dolph Jensen, Eliza Barchus, Milton Wilson, Harry Wentz, Samuel Gellert, David McCosh, Eunice Jensen Parsons, Sydney Bell, John Trullinger, Jack McLarty, Yvonne Twining Humber, Martina Gangle, Clifford Gleason, Jacob Elshin, Edward Sewall, Harry Widman, Michele Russo, W.P. Hayes, Byron Gardner, and Jack Wilkinson.

Here are a few highlights:
Byron Gardner : One of Oregon's most important abstract expressionist painters and a student of Louis Bunce, this painting explores fall colors and reflection.  Sauvies Island, oil on canvas, 48" x 57", 1961.

Samuel Gellert: A Gentleman's Still Life,  17 1/4" x 23 1/2", oil on board.  An artist whose work rarely appears on the market, this quiet and elegant painting portrays old books, a candle, antique eye glasses, a pipe, and more.

Dorothy Dolph Jensen: Born in Forest Grove, Jensen was one of the Northwest's finest Impressionist painters.   Jensen moved to Seattle in the 1930's after marrying the famed frame maker and craftsman Lloyd Jensen. This is one of her rare Oregon landscape paintings.  Peaceful Shores - The Oregon Coast, c. 1928, 23 1/2" x 35 1/2", oil on canvas, presented in Lloyd Jensen's original hand carved frame.

W.P. Hayes:  A good friend of C.S. Price and Charles Heaney, Hayes developed a highly individual, pointillist style, that is completely unique in Northwest art history.  Fewer than 100 works came on the market in the 1990's, when his estate was dispersed.  Saw Mill, 14 1/2" x 18 1/2", oil on board.

Martina Gangle: Hop Pickers, 23 1/2" x 19 1/2", oil on canvas.  A great example of WPA style, labor art, this painting portrays the artist as a farm laborer, expressing her personal experience of having done manual labor and her sympathy for working people.

Our "Treasures" show here at the gallery features 2 portraits by Amanda Snyder, a portrait of William Givler by Jack McLarty, a portrait of Voltaire by John Trullinger, which was done at the Louvre in Paris when he was an art student; a rare self portrait by Harry Widman, a pencil drawing by Sydney Bell from 1922, Portrait of a Woman; and a male nude painted at the Museum Art School when it was located downtown at SW 5th and Taylor, by Edward Sewall.

Northwest Portraiture: Be sure and see the recent re-hang of the 3rd floor Northwest gallery at the Portland Art Museum, which was organized by curator Bonnie Laing-Malcolmson, which features a show of small work by Clara Jane Stephens, an important Impressionist painter and a significant early teacher at the Museum Art School.  Also on view is a show by master woodcarver Leroy Setziol, and a salon style presentation of early day portraits by Northwest artists, which is an overlooked area in our region's art history.

Coming In November: Sandra Roumagoux - New Paintings.

Dorothy Dolph Jensen (1895-1977)

Oregon Coast, Peaceful Shore, C. 1928

oil on canvas

23 1/2" x 35 1/2"


Jack Wilkinson

untitled, landscape

oil on canvas

20" x 30"


Eunice Jensen Parsons (b. 1916)

Boardwalk at the Moorage, 1956

color woodcut, Ed. 16/20

23" x 12"


Treasures From The Vault -

Historic Paintings By NW Masters

Show Dates: October 7 - October 31, 2015